Here Comes The Night 夜晚來了- Janis Ian (徐小鳳 "人似浪花" 原曲) ♬
🍁【Here Comes The Night】 3‘36“ 

Touch in the tenderest night 
Before the feelings take flight 
Touch and you make everything new 
Everything bright, shiny and true 
Before the dawn and the light 
Here comes the night  

Here in the heart, I still breathe
Longing, a part of me I can't see
And if the heart cannot redeem
One soul apart, one separate dream
Before the dawn and light
Here comes the night

Here we are waiting and longing
Crying out "I am more than just a man"
Building castles in the sand
All of us needing and leaving
Long before the break of day
So little time to say
I am - I know the way

And I want to be somebody
Who can see forever
Want to be somebody
Who can see forever

Here in the heart, I still dream
Here in the heart of life I seem
Somebody light, somebody new
Somebody bright, shiny and true
Somebody light, somebody new
Somebody bright, shiny and true
I want to be somebody
Who can see forever

Before the dawn and the light
Here comes the night
Before the dawn and the light
Here comes the night


👨‍🎓 從十幾歲就喜歡上了徐小鳳的《人似浪花》,一首我心中的粵語經典,今日才發現了這首英文原曲,欣喜感動之餘,趕快將它分享出來。 英文版也很動聽,歌詞像是一個人與自己的心靈對話,讀起來很美、也很感人。




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